Asking for a prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic conversation to have with your partner before getting married, but it is an important one. A prenuptial agreement, commonly referred to as a prenup, is a legal document that outlines how assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce.

While opinions on prenups vary, many celebrities and public figures have spoken out in favor of them. Here are some notable quotes on prenuptial agreements:

1. “I believe in prenups, always have. It`s a great tool to have just in case God forbid, something happens.” – Kim Kardashian

2. “I don`t think there should be any shame in [a prenup]. It`s a smart thing to do.” – Chrissy Teigen

3. “Everybody I know who has ever gone through a divorce or breakup, their first regret is always that they didn`t have a prenup.” – Bethenny Frankel

4. “I think prenups are a good idea. If you don`t get it in writing, it doesn`t exist.” – Lisa Vanderpump

5. “It`s not romantic, but it`s practical… I think people should do what they feel is right.” – Catherine Zeta-Jones

6. “I think it`s a smart thing to do for everybody. I think that everybody should do it. I wish I did.” – Jessica Simpson

It`s important to note that a prenuptial agreement isn`t just for the wealthy or high-profile couples. Anyone can benefit from having a prenup, regardless of their income or assets.

If you`re considering a prenup, it`s important to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about it. It may not be the most comfortable conversation to have, but it can prevent future conflict and uncertainty in the event of a divorce.

In conclusion, while prenuptial agreements may not be the most romantic topic to discuss with your partner, they can provide peace of mind and prevent future legal disputes. As Bethenny Frankel said, “It`s better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.”

NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) has joined hands with leading private and public sector banks for the effective implementation of skill training programs in India. One such agreement was signed with State Bank of India (SBI) in 2019.

The NSDC-SBI agreement was aimed at providing access to skill training programs and facilitating credit support to the youth and entrepreneurs. The collaboration aimed to promote financial inclusion and empower individuals with the necessary skills and financial support to become self-reliant.

Under the agreement, NSDC would identify, impart, and certify skill training programs while SBI would provide credit support to the trained individuals to set up their businesses. The focus was on creating skill development and employment opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and tourism.

The collaboration aims to provide a platform for individuals from economically weaker sections and underserved areas to upskill themselves and achieve financial independence. The partnership leverages the expertise of both NSDC and SBI to create a holistic ecosystem for promoting entrepreneurship and job creation.

The NSDC-SBI agreement follows the government`s mandate to promote skilling and entrepreneurship in the country. This collaboration is in line with the government`s vision of creating a skilled workforce and promoting economic growth.

In conclusion, the NSDC-SBI agreement is a path-breaking collaboration that aims to promote financial inclusion and skill development in the country. The partnership between NSDC and SBI offers a unique opportunity for individuals to upskill themselves and become self-reliant. This collaboration has the potential to transform the lives of millions of people in the country and promote inclusive growth.

Are you struggling to pay your taxes owed to the IRS? The installment agreement may be a solution for you. An installment agreement allows you to make monthly payments to the IRS over time instead of paying the entire amount at once.

What is the installment agreement?

The installment agreement is a payment plan that allows taxpayers to pay their tax debt in monthly installments. The agreement can be set up online through the IRS website, making it a convenient option for those who prefer to handle their tax matters digitally.

Who is eligible for the installment agreement?

Individuals who owe $50,000 or less in combined individual income tax, penalties, and interest are generally eligible to apply for the installment agreement. Businesses that owe $25,000 or less in payroll tax and have filed all required tax returns may also be eligible.

It`s important to note that if you owe more than the maximum amount allowed, you may still be able to set up an installment agreement, but you will need to fill out additional paperwork and provide financial information to the IRS.

What are the benefits of the installment agreement?

The installment agreement offers several benefits to taxpayers, including:

1. Flexibility: The agreement allows taxpayers to pay their debt in manageable monthly installments over time.

2. Avoidance of penalties and interest: By setting up an installment agreement, you may be able to avoid paying penalties and interest on your tax debt.

3. Protection from enforced collection action: Once you have set up an installment agreement, the IRS will not take any enforced collection action, such as wage garnishments or bank levies, as long as you remain current with your payments.

How do I apply for the installment agreement?

To apply for the installment agreement, you can visit the IRS website and use their online application. You will need to provide information about your tax debt, income, and expenses, along with other financial information.

Once you submit your application, the IRS will review it and send you a notification of their decision. If your application is approved, you will receive a payment plan agreement that outlines the terms of your installment agreement.

In conclusion, the installment agreement is an option for taxpayers who are struggling to pay their tax debt. By setting up an installment agreement, you can make manageable monthly payments to the IRS and avoid penalties and interest. If you are eligible, consider applying for an installment agreement through the IRS website today.